Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Select Sessions Step

This section discusses the back office settings required to display the Select Sessions step in the Register Myself workflow, including:

·            General Session Setup

·            Filtering Sessions

·            Session Name

·            Session Date and Time

·            Session Description

·            Purchasing Additional Session Tickets for a Guest

·            Session Product Alerts

·            Session Room/Location

·            Session Image

·            Session Pricing

·            Session Questionnaire


For information on how to set up the Meeting Registration control to display on the web, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Meeting Registration Control.

The title that displays at the top of this step is defined in the web settings. For more information, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Meeting Registration Control.

General Session Setup

All web-enabled sessions that are subproducts of the master meeting product and have the Add to Cart checkbox checked on the eBusiness Control screen will appear in this list for a web user to register for, except for the following scenarios:

·            Registrant selected a daily rate
If a registrant selected a daily rate code on the Registration Information step, then selected one or more days, the Select Sessions step only displays sessions for the selected days, plus any sessions that are marked "Available to All Daily Registrants".

·            Session components are already included
If there are meeting components or rate level component packages that are defined for a meeting product, those sessions will display text that reads "Included". This session cannot be deleted from a web user's registration on the web.

·            Session is cancelled
If a session is cancelled, but is still web-enabled, it will display in the list of sessions with text that reads "Cancelled".

·            Member Only sessions
If sessions are available only for members, they will display in the list but a user who is not a member will not have the option to add it to their registration.


For more information on creating sessions, please see Defining General Session Information.


If the session is available to add to the meeting registration, the Add action button will display. Web users can click Add to add the session to the registration. If a session has a questionnaire component, web users will be required to answer the questions before proceeding to the next step. If a session has already been added to the registration, a Remove action button will appear. The web user can click Remove to remove the session from the registration. If a session is already included in the price of the registration (component of the meeting product), Included in Registration will display. Web users will not be able to remove this session from the registration.


The web user can click the (#) Items button to display the My Registration summary window of the sessions selected, as shown below. From the My Registration window, web users can view the sessions they have selected and remove them from the list. If a web user has registered for conflicting sessions, a warning will appear in the My Registration window when the web user clicks Save. If the Allow Registration Time Conflicts checkbox is NOT checked on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, the web user will be prompted to remove one of the conflicting sessions. The web user will receive an error if he/she attempts to proceed to the next step. For a meeting in which the Allow Registration Time Conflicts checkbox is checked, the registrant will not receive a warning.

Filtering Sessions

The following options allow the web user to filter the list of sessions:

·            Search
Web users can enter a keyword in the search field then click Go. The system will search by the product name, short and long descriptions, categories, keywords, and speakers that are associated with the session.  Web users can click Clear All to remove all filters and display the entire list of sessions. For more information on adding categories and keywords to meetings, please see Defining Meeting Product Categories and Keywords.

·            Filter by Track
Web users can select a track from the drop-down to filter by. Sessions that are not associated with the track will not display, even if the meeting product is associated with the selected track. For more information on session tracks, please see Maintaining Meeting/Session Tracks.

·            Filter by Day
Web users can select a day to filter the sessions by. The dates that appear in the drop down will be determined by the dates the sessions fall within.

The statement that displays above the filtering options is defined in the web settings. For more information, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Meeting Registration Control.

Session Name

The name of each session displays on the Select Sessions step in the meeting registration workflow, as shown below.


The Product Name for the session is defined on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, as highlighted below. For more information, please see Defining General Session Product Information.


The session name will display as a link if the Create Session Detail Page checkbox is checked on the eBusiness Control screen in Product Maintenance for each session, as highlighted below. The web user can click the session name to open the Session Detail page. For more information, please see Defining a Session to Display on the Web.


Session Date and Time

On the Select Sessions step of the meeting registration workflow, sessions will be grouped by day. Additionally, the session time displays for each session, as shown below.


The Begin Time and End Time display for a session as well as the time zone if defined on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, highlighted below. For more information, please see Defining General Session Product Information.


Web users will be permitted to register for conflicting session components if a meeting is marked with Allow Registration Time Conflicts checkbox on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, but the My Registration window will display a warning. For more information, please see Defining General Session Product Information.

Session Description

If a description was defined for the session, the description will display on the Select Sessions step in the meeting registration workflow, as shown below.


The session description is defined on the Brief Description screen in Product Maintenance, as highlighted below. For more information on brief web descriptions, please see Adding a Meeting/Session Product Brief Web Description.

Purchasing Additional Session Tickets for Guests

You can allow registrants to purchase additional tickets to a session for guests. For example, you can give registrants the option of purchasing additional tickets to the golf tournament. When a web user adds the session to his/her registration, a Purchase Tickets prompt will appear, as displayed below. The web user can select the number of additional tickets to purchase from the drop-down. The price will be added to the registrant's final price at checkout. For more information on tickets vs. badges, please see Tickets vs. Badges.

To setup paid tickets:

1.    Open the SESSION product in Product Maintenance.

2.    From the Product Definition task category, click Rates and Pricing.

3.    Define pricing for the "GUEST" rate code.

4.    From the Subsystem Specific task category, click Define Capacity & Session Control.
The Capacity Definition screen appears, as displayed below.

5.    Enter the Max Registrations Per Registrant, as highlighted above.
This is the maximum number of paid tickets that the registrant can buy.

For example, if an organization wants to allow a registrant to register 4 additional registrants, the value should be set to 5, because the registrant’s own registration counts as 1. A value of 0 means there is no limit; however, in the e-business workflow, the system will restrict to 5 additional registrations.

Product Alerts

If applicable, the following product alerts can display for a session:

·            Members Only

·            Available Soon

·            Cancelled

·            Meeting Closed

·            Meeting Full

·            Only [n] Seats Available

·            Waitlist


For more information on product alerts, please see Configuring Product Alerts.

Session Room/Location

If a room is defined for the session, a location will display with the listing. If there was no room defined, the facility will display if defined.


The session location information is defined on the Location tab on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, as displayed below. For more information on session locations, please see Assigning a Room to a Meeting/Session.

Session Image

If you want an image to accompany a session on the select sessions list, you can insert it in the HTML section of the Brief Description screen, as displayed below. For more information, please see Adding a Meeting/Session Product Brief Web Description.

Session Pricing

Session pricing is defined on the Rates and Pricing screen in Product Maintenance, as shown below. Please note that the rate structure/code MUST be marked as Web Enabled Rate in order to display on the web. If a rate structure of "list" has been defined for the product, the "List Price" will display. If a rate structure of "member" has been defined for the product, the "Member Price" will display. If the logged in web user is logged is a member, the price will display as "Your Price". If there is more than one web enabled rate code available, this field will display as a drop-down. This price does not include any tax, shipping, or discounts that have been applied. For more information on defining rates for a session product, please see Defining Meeting/Session Product Rates and Pricing.

Session Questionnaire

If there is a questionnaire defined for the session, once a web user clicks Add, the questions will display for the web user to answer. If a question is marked as required, the web user cannot proceed to the next step until he/she answers the required questions. For information about adding a questionnaire to a session product, please see Creating a Product Questionnaire.

As of 7.6.0, web users have the option of registering someone else for a meeting. Therefore, it is NOT recommended that you require questions for meeting that have been enabled for the register someone else functionality. If the required question is necessary, it is best practice to provide an answer validation choice such as "unknown".

For a video demonstration, please see Video Demo: Product Questionnaire Setup and Workflow.